
Dr. Menka Jain

Associate Professor, Institute of Materials Science & Department of Physics


Dr. Menka Jain is a Professor in Physics Department and Institute of Materials Science at UConn. Before joining UConn in 2008, she was Director’s Funded Postdoctoral Fellowship in Materials Physics & Applications Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, NM, USA (2005-2008). Dr. Jain’s research is focused on fabrication and characterization of advanced functional and multifunctional metal-oxide material systems, such as the electric-field tunable dielectric materials, ferroelectrics, magnetoelectric multiferroics, ferromagnetic materials, magnetic sensing materials, magnetocaloric materials, etc. Dr. Jain’s area of expertise is in successfully synthesizing these metal-oxides in thin film, nanoparticle, nanocomposite, heterostructure, and multilayer forms using solution based techniques and characterizing these materials to understand their structure-size-property relations. She has about 90 significant publications in high impact refereed journals, such as Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Materials, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of American Chemical Society, etc. Dr. Jain has organized many symposiums in Materials Research Society (MRS) and American Ceramic Society meetings. She has co-edited three MRS conference proceedings and three special Journal of Nanotechnology issues on Nanocomposites (2011-2013). Dr. Jain’s research work is supported by university-funded and National Science Foundation funded grants. She also serve as a panel member and ad-hoc reviewer for various federal funding agencies, such as National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, and Petroleum Research Fund.

Contact addresses:

  1. Physics dept: 196A Auditorium Road, Unit 3046, Dept of Physics, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3046
  2. IMS:
    25 King Hill Road, Unit 3136
    University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT 06269-3136
Email: menka.jain (at) ;     Tel: 860-486-4090
Follow on Twitter: MJ20082
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Graduate Students: (Looking for self-motivated PhD candidates)

Jacob Pfund

  • PhD candidate (Physics dept)
  • Email: jacob (dot) pfund (at)
  • Research: Magnetic oxides, Multiferroics
Zachary Ritchey

  • PhD candidate (Physics dept)
  • Email: zachary (dot) ritchey (at)
  • Research: Elasto-magnetocalorics, spin-liquids, Multiferroics
Raman Mishra

  • PhD candidate (Physics dept)
  • Email:
Devika T. Sureshbabu

  • PhD candidate (Physics dept)
  • Email:



Dr. Theodore (Teddy) Sauyet

  • Postdoc
  • Research: AFRL funded project

Undergraduate Students:

 Nicholas Thiel-Hudson



 Past Members of the group:

Graduate Students (Dr. Jain as Advisor)

 Dr. Jianhang Shi

(defended thesis in November 2021). Currently a Postdoc at Ohio State University, OH


 Dr. Shiqi Yin

(defended thesis in January 2018). Currently working in Global Foundaries in Albany, NY

Dr. Austin McDannald

(completed PhD in 2016), then joined M Cubed Tech. company. Currently a staff member at NIST.

 Dr. Margo Staruch

(Completed PhD in 2013), currently a staff member at Naval Research Lab


Dr. L. Civale

Los Alamos National Laboratory (retired)


Dr. D. Garcia

Univ. Federal de São Carlos, Brazil


Professor Devendra Kumar

Indian Institute of Technology (Varanasi, India)


Dr. Rohit Prasannakumar

Los Alamos National Lab, NM


 R. Paranhos

(Visiting PhD Student from Brazil, 2014), Completed PhD in 2016


Dr. Maria A. G. Soler,

Instituto de Física, Universidade de Brasília, Brazil

Undergraduates working in Jains lab:

Michael Frank

Physics undergrad (Spring 2023)

REU students (Allison and Asmaa) from Smiths College, MA (Summer 2023)

REU student Asmaa) from Smiths College, MA

(summer 2023)

Mark Johnson (UConn) graduated in 2019.

Currently he is pursuing his PhD at UMass Amherst

 Ms. Sonia Martin from UC Berkeley (REU, Summer 2018)


Ms. Gabi Tagliaferro

Summer 2017 (through REU)

Ms. Aisha

McNair Fellow,

Summer 2017

Mr. Teddy Sauyet (BS),Summer 2015 (Miller award recipient), Spring 2016, Fall 2016, and Spring 2017 (Now a grad student at Stony Brooks Univ)


 Mr Michael

McNair Fellow, Summer 2016

 Lillian Skou (BS)

 Summer 2015, Fall 2015


 Mr. Cristian (BS)

McNair Fellow

Summer 2015


Ms. Kelly Cochran (BS)

Summer 2014


Mr. Matt (BS)

2 weeks in

Summer 2014


Mr. Lukasz Kuna (BS, 2014) Currently NRC postdoctoral fellow.

(worked for 1.5 years in lab, also a recipient of SURF award)


  Mr. Nambi (BS)Summer 2014, McNair Fellow

 Mr. Daniel Violettee (BS)


 Mr. Drew Hires (BS)Drew hi

Photos of group members:

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brazil group photo Gavim
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