Author: Menka Jain


Our submission to the CLAS Funding for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives, titled Supporting Minorities in Physics Through Seminars, Peer Groups, and Outreach.” has been funded for Spring 2022!! Co-PIs on this proposal are Belter Ordaz and three graduate students: Lauren Gorman, Bjorn Larsen, and Debadarshini Mishra. Big congratulations to the entire team!!

October 2019

Jain’s group published a paper with Sotzing’s group (in Polymer Science) entitled “Graphene and Poly(3,4-ethylene dioxythiophene): Poly(4-styrene sulfonate) on Nonwoven Fabric as a Room Temperature Metal and Its Application as Dry Electrodes for Electrocardiography” in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.